


We are supplying the materials with
a competitive price
by doing global sourcing.

We are purchasing from oversea authorized agency only,
to meet the schedule with a good price,
we are doing the best with experts working over 20 years in this field.

We provide a variety of services in cooperation with trusted companies around the world.

It is imported from 17 countries with Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany as major importers.

  • - Based on Vendor Verification Program
  • - 20 Years Experienced Human Resources
  • - Using Huge Database
  • - Strict Vendor Audits
  • - Offer Franchise Stock Only
  • - Authorized Distributors | D/C within 2 Years
  • - Weekly Memory Offer (Global Market Price Flow)
  • - Customized Quotation
  • - Turn-Key Service